Our bold and brilliant R&D team has been hard at work for the better part of a decade, to bring safe and effective cell based therapies to the markets. These technologies, earlier available only in western developed countries are now accessible in India and the subcontinent under the Regrow® platform.

Under this platform our 3 cell-based products, Cartigrow®, Ossgrow® and Uregrow®, have received approval for commercialization from the Indian FDA (DCGI). Many more novel products are in the pipeline to fully leverage the benefits of cell based therapy for multiple diseases and conditions.


  • Cartilage Cell Therapy
  • To cure Cartilage damage of knee, ankle, shoulder and early Osteoarthritis

  • Bone Cell Therapy
  • To cure AVN of the hip joint, Fractures, Dental and maxillofacial defects, spine deformities

  • Epithelial Cell Therapy
  • To cure urethral stricture and various other urological conditions
  • Future use could extend upto skin regeneration.
  • Ready to Get Started?

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